


In business, little details can make all the difference.

Listen as our CEO, John Barnes, interviews founders and owners about major milestones, and what it’s really like as a business owner.


The Key to Strategic Expansion - Scott Lambert and Darryl Frick, Steel Hands Brewing - Ep. 43


Join us for Episode 34, where we share a pilsner with Scott and Darryl, co-founders of Steel Hands Brewing, to discuss a 120-billion-dollar industry – selling beer. They teach us how to grow new local markets to meet the rising demand of a fast-paced industry with a constantly changing pallet. They’re not only masters of brewing—they’re masters of strategic expansion, predicting customer demand and national trends while balancing all the moving parts of running a production brewery across multiple states. It’s been a challenging journey, made successful by foresight and wise business practices, but most of all, passion. They’ve got great advice to share about creating a unique product that can break into tough, insular retail spaces. If you’ve got a dream product you want to bring to life (or if you just love beer) make sure to listen in.

John Barnes